Announcements – December 16, 2018

Loving God. Serving People. Becoming Family.

Announcements – December 16, 2018

Free Oula Fitness Class – Saturdays

Kimmy Bombard is now a certified Oula Instructor and is offering free fitness classes at the Church.  These Oula classes are held in the Kingdom Kids room from 9:30-10:30am Saturdays, and are for women only.  For more information, please see Kimmy after service.

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage – Sign up Now!
This 3-part video presentation by one of the most sought-out speakers on love and marriage, Mark Gungor, will have you falling off your seat it’s so funny. Mark’s advice will help you improve your marriage and reduce marital problems. Mark’s humor makes his teaching enjoyable, effective, and memorable, helping husbands and wives remember these insights and immediately put them to work.  This 3-part video will be on Saturdays, January 5, 12 and 19, 2019 at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall at the church.
Join us for all 3 sessions to experience all the facts and side-splitting fun of Mark’s look at life, love, and marriage including:
The Tale of Two Brains – laugh till you hurt as Mark explains what he calls “the laws of relational physics” – how men and women are wired differently and why.
How to Stay Married and Not Kill Anyone – through this session, viewers will discover the power of forgiveness in their marriage.
The #1 Key to Incredible Sex – this is it…the “yo mama” session you’ve been waiting for. Mark goes through five steps couples should know to experience incredible, mind blowing, married sex.
Please sign up in the foyer at the church, or call, or text Mike or Ronda to register!
Mike Smith 550-2847
Ronda Smith 550-2846

Sign up for Prayer Chain Ministry
If you are interested in being a prayer warrior on our prayer chain ministry for 2019 please sign up in the lobby/foyer.

Sign up for Communion Ministry
Communion is an important and powerful time for each of us every week. We are blessed to have numerous people who serve us by making the communion bread weekly and set everything up for Sunday service.  A sign up is now available in the lobby/foyer for taking part in this ministry in 2019.  This is a great opportunity for you to serve the members of this congregation in a very meaningful way.  See Tara Keller if you have any questions.

Home Group Studies
Home Group Studies will be starting up after the 1st of the year.  We are looking for study leaders and host locations.  If you are interested in either leading a group, hosting a group or both, please visit with Pastor Chuck or Elders Mark, Nick or Jonathan.  Once we have leaders and locations in place we will have sign ups and further information available.

Christmas Eve Service
Please join us at 6pm for a short, traditional Christmas Eve service with worship and the Christmas Story.  Everyone is then invited over to the Smith’s house for their annual bonfire and fellowship.

Do You Want to Serve?
Cornerstone has many ministries in which you can serve the Lord.  Reach out to Pastor Chuck, an Elder, or to any of our ministry heads to learn more about how to get involved.


Women’s Studies
If you are looking how you can plug into a study, please email Ali with any questions.

Men’s Bible Study – 7pm – hosted by Brad Greenburg
This verse by verse Men’s Bible Study and fellowship meets at 7pm on Mondays in the front lobby of the church.  Men of all ages and bible knowledge are welcome to participate.  Currently the men are studying Genesis. Oh–and often there is pizza!

Men’s Bible Study – 6:30-8pm – hosted by Scott Jenkins

This verse by verse study on 1 Corinthians meets in the front lobby of the church every Tuesday.

Bitterroot Karate Club – 6-7:30pm – hosted by Sensei Bob Morse
Bitterroot Karate Club is a free ministry of the church and is open to the public.  Please visit the Karate Club page to learn more.

Ignite Youth Group 6-8pm – hosted by Nate and Nicole Krause
Youth aged middle school through high school meet at the church every Wednesday for a short lesson and games.

1st Saturdays
Men’s Breakfast – 8:30am
The first Saturday of every month is Men’s Breakfast and a topical bible study.  Men of all ages along with their older sons are encouraged to attend.  8:30am-10am in the church kitchen.

2nd Saturdays
Women to Women – 11am-1pm
The women of the church meet on the second Saturday of every month from 11-1pm for a simple brunch and craft project tied with a biblical message specifically for women.  This is an excellent time to get to know the women of Cornerstone and make lasting friendships.  The location changes monthly, so please contact Helena Krause or call the church for more information. 406-646-2657


Free Oula Fitness Class for Women
Kimmy Bombard is a certified Oula Instructor and is offering free fitness classes at the Church.  These Oula classes are held in the Kingdom Kids room from 9:30-10:30am Saturdays, and are for women only.  For more information, please see Kimmy after service.

Worship Service – 10-11:30am
On Sunday morning we gather together for worship at 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. This service is a time of celebration as we worship and explore God’s Word together. Children through 5th grade have their own service, however the first Sunday of every month is Family Sunday, so childcare will be provided for infants-K.  Our worship band will lead us in a blended style of contemporary music along with some old favorites.